Dedri Uys
Dedri Uys
Hi, my name is Dedri and I am the designer behind Lookatwhatimade. By day, I am a radiotherapist, mom to 3 gorgeous young boys and Buddy the Springer Spaniel, and wife to a very handsome and kind-hearted man. At night, you will find me huddled over my crochet hook, playing with yarn and furiously scribbling down patterns.
I love to crochet, but more than that, I love to teach other people to crochet and to love it as much as I do. My granny taught me to crochet when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, and although I was good at it, I didn’t particularly like it. It wasn’t until I was pregnant with my second son 13 years ago that I picked up a hook again. A simple blanket led to a puzzle ball, which led to a never-ending crochet frenzy!
I get inspired by the oddest things – like the nose of a specific car or the train tracks at the tube station, the colours on a bag of sweets or a doodle one of the boys has done… I particularly like repeating patterns and can stare at tessellations for hours, trying to find different images in the patterns. But above all else, I am inspired (and energized) by colours. Any colours. Any combinations. The more the merrier.