Cypress Textiles
Hi, there! I'm Rachele from CypressTextiles.net - just a girl crocheting in Texas with four young children and a (very patient) hubby, plus three fur-babies. We live in a plain one-story with a plant-filled yard, complete with hammock. Living the quiet life and loving it! I started playing with yarn in college, when websites were just getting started. From these slow-loading sites and a few books, I was able to learn crochet! And as it turns out, there was a major resurgence of knitting and crochet beginning at that time, and it was easy to find other college students to stitch with over coffee in the campus café. Nowadays, even with the busyness that comes with having a big family, there isn't a day that goes by without crochet. It's the creative outlet that balances my structured mom and wife life. I never looked back!