Fiona Kelly
Hi, I’m Fiona Kelly from but you will most likely know me from the Scheepjes Facebook groups where I am one of the moderators. I love to hang out in the groups, encouraging and helping where I can. It’s great that we work on the same projects together even though I always try to get a wee head start so that I can help anyone struggling in the groups, but what is amazing is when all the group members come together and help each other. I’m originally from N. Ireland but have been living in the Netherlands for the last two decades and try my best with the Dutch language. (Please go easy on me if you notice any of my many mistakes) I’m married to a very patient man, we have two young children and I work as a Video Editor. You can find me crocheting every spare second and I will make just about anything, but really love large fabulous wraps and can’t get enough of the buzz I get when I complete a huge project. I am addicted to pattern testing and have further expanded that to tech editing and designing. I have so many WIPs and DIPs (works and designs in progress) it’s almost impossible to keep track haha. Thankfully I also have a crazy mad stash. The only think I have in short supply is time. But I think that is a common problem. Thankfully I am a night owl and can generally get by on very little sleep.