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Errata YARN 15 - Dawn Dip Wrap

Errata YARN 15 - Dawn Dip Wrap

Unfortunately, there are errors in the printed pattern for the Dawn Dip Wrap in YARN Bookazine 15.


Stripe 1


Rows 5-17 Rep Row 4, cc to Yarn B. [36 tr]

Fasten off Yarn A.

Rows 18-19 Rep Row 4, cc to Yarn C. [40 tr]

Continue with pattern starting at Stripe 2 and Row 18 as listed in the original pattern.


Stripe 3


Rows 35 (WS)-45 Rep Row 34, cc to Yarn B. [96 tr]

Fasten off Yarn E.

Rows 46-47 Rep Row 34, cc to Yarn C. [100 tr]


Stripe 5 (Large Tapestry Crochet Damselflies)

See Crochet Chart 1: Large Tapestry Crochet Damselfly. Each row consists of two reps of chart (one following chart and one mirrored) with tr between reps, plus edge sts.



On Crochet Chart 1: Large Tapestry Crochet Damselfly, Rows 71-72 should be in Yarn B instead of Yarn A. When crocheting the second damselfly it should be mirrored to the first crocheted damselfly.


Row 60 Ch2A, 3trA in first tr, 25trA, 4trE, 3trA, 4trE, 23trA, (tr2togA) twice, 23trA, 4trE, 3trA, 4trE, 25trA, 3trA in last tr. [126 tr]


Row 67 Ch2A, 3trA in first tr, 38trA, 4trE, 5trA, 4trE, 15trA, (tr2togA) twice, 15trA, 4trE, 5trA, 4trE, 38trA, 3trA in last tr. [140 tr]

Row 68 Ch2A, 3trA in first tr, 39trA, 4trE, 7trA, 4trE, 13trA, (tr2togA) twice, 13trA, 4trE, 7trA, 4trE, 39trA, 3trA in last tr. [142 tr]


Stripe 7 (Large Filet Crochet Damselflies)

See Crochet Chart 2: Large Filet Crochet Damselfly. Each row consists of four reps of chart (two following chart and two mirrored) with tr between reps, plus edge sts.


Row 83 Ch2, 3tr in first tr, 10tr, *(ch1, sk 1 st, 1tr, ch1, sk 1 st, 7tr) twice*, 20tr, rep from * to * once more, 12tr, (tr2tog) twice, 19tr, rep from * to * once more, 20tr, rep from * to * once more, 3tr, 3tr in last tr. [172 sts: 156 tr, 16 chs]


Row 87 Ch2, 3tr in first tr, 22tr, *2tr, (ch1, sk 1 st, 1tr) 2 times, 2tr, (ch1, sk 1 st, 1tr) twice*, 28tr, rep from * to * once more, 12tr, (tr2tog) twice, 13tr, rep from * to * once more, 28tr, rep from * to * once more, 21tr, 3tr in last tr. [180 sts: 160 tr, 20 chs]


Row 89 Ch2, 3tr in first tr, 26tr, *2tr, (ch1, sk 1 st, 1tr) 2 times, 2tr, (ch1, sk 1 st, 1tr) twice*, 28tr, rep from * to * once more, 10tr, (tr2tog) twice, 11tr, rep from * to * once more, 28tr, rep from * to * once more, 25tr, 3tr in last tr. [184 sts: 164 tr, 20 chs]


Stripe 12


Row 137 (…).

Do not Cc to Yarn A and fasten off Yarn B, but just continue using Yarn C.

Rows 138-139 (…).

Fasten off Yarn C.

Stripe 13 (Filet Crochet Circle Section)


Rows 150-152 Rep Rows 142-143 once, then Row 142 once more, fasten off Yarn D. [211 tr]

At the end of Row 152 you fasten off Yarn D and at the beginning of Row 153 you join Yarn B in the first tr of the previous row. Starting from Row 153, the odd numbered rows are RS rows and the even numbered rows are WS rows.

Rows 153 (RS)-154 (WS) Join Yarn B with ss in first tr of prev row, rep Row 143, then rep Row 142, cc to Yarn C. [209 tr]


Stripe 14

Row 155 (RS) (…).

Row 156 (WS) (…).


Stripe 15

Row 161 (RS) (…).

Row 162 (WS) (…).


Stripe 16

Row 173 (RS) (…).

Row 174 (WS) (…).
