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Category Scheepjes Publications, Soft Toys, YARN - The After Party
Suggested yarn Chunky Monkey
Type Cuddly Toys
Technique crochet
Sizes 62cm
Languages dutch english-uk english-us german spain swedish
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YARN - The After Party 131 Leroy the Lion

By Sabine van Dam

Leroy the Lion may sit at a mighty 62cm tall but he’s a true gentle giant waiting for a new playmate to hug and adore. Crocheted with soft Scheepjes Chunky Monkey, this yarn gives his coat the loveliest thick, cuddly texture. Leroy is hooked using the amigurumi technique that adds to his strength and gives shape, character and definition to his features, majestic mane of dark curls and adorable toe beans!


  • Scheepjes Chunky Monkey (100% Premium Anti Pilling Acrylic); 100g/116m)
    Yarn A: 1710 Camel x 4 balls
    Yarn B: 2018 Dark Grey x 1 ball
    Yarn C: 1114 Golden Yellow x 5 balls
    Yarn D: 1054 Tawny x 3 balls
  • 5mm and 6mm crochet hooks
  • 1 x stitch marker
  • 2.5-3 kg polyester stuffing
  • 24mm safety eyes (brown with black centre)

The pattern for Leroy the Lion, designed by Sabine van Dam, is featured in YARN - The After Party issue 131. This issue of YARN - The After Party is available as a printed booklet in English (UK), Dutch, and German via Scheepjes retailers, or as a digital download via Ravelry in these languages plus French, Spanish, and English (US).


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